Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals
Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals - Image 1 of 0
Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals - Image 2 of 0
Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals - Image 3 of 0
Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals - Image 1 of 0
Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals - Image 2 of 0
Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals - Image 3 of 0
Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals - Image 4 of 0
Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals - Image 1 of 0
Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals - Image 2 of 0
Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals - Image 3 of 0
Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals - Image 4 of 0
Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals - Image 5 of 0

Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar With 3 Medals

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Product Code: ORMDLBR1
Usually Ships in 2 to 3 Business Days


Original Third Reich Austrian Medal Bar with 3 Medals-

This medal bar belonged to an Austrian veteran and police officer who celebrated 25 years of service during the period when Austria was part of the Third Reich. The medal bar includes the following honors:

  1. Kriegserinnerungsmedaille Österreich WWI ("First War Remembrance Medal Austria WWI")
    Awarded to commemorate service during World War I for Austrian veterans.

  2. Dienstauszeichnung der Polizei 1. Stufe für 25 Jahre 1938 ("Police Service Award 1st Level for 25 Years, 1938")
    This medal was given for 25 years of police service under the Third Reich, marking long-standing dedication to the force.

  3. Österreichisch-Ungarisches Militär-Jubiläumskreuz für Angehörige der bewaffneten Macht ("Austro-Hungarian Military Anniversary Cross for Members of the Armed Forces")
    Awarded to members of the Austro-Hungarian armed forces, commemorating their service during the military jubilees of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Each medal represents distinct periods in Austrian and German history, spanning from the Austro-Hungarian Empire through to the Third Reich. Shows normal aging and patina, pins intact. Overall in excellent condition.


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